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    2023-12-12 10:30:00

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    2023-12-12 10:30:00

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The Sixteenth annual conference Under the slogan ((Ensuring the quality of the university’s loyalty guide))

An invitation sponsored by the Honorable President of the University of Basra
 prof.Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi
Under the supervision of the respected Dean of the College of Administration and Economics
Prof.Dr. Abdul Hussein Tawfiq Al-Shibli
The College of Management holds its sixteenth annual conference
Under the slogan ((Ensuring the quality of the university’s loyalty guide))
At 10:30 am - Tuesday, 12/12/2023
In Freedom Hall in College College

Topics of the sixteenth annual calendar conference
The first axis
brief history

The second axis
The focus of scientific research

The third axis
Administrative axis

The fourth Axis
Reliability axis

The Fifth axis
A comparative study

The Sixth axis
College activities